The Canaryseed Association of North America (CANA) was formed to support the growing North American
Canaryseed industry and its international markets.
We will be expanding our website over the coming months... so be sure to check back for more information and resources.
Our member and constituents—canaryseed producers, processers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers—benefit from CANA activities in five key areas:

INDUSTRY INFORMATION CANA gives farmers, processors, distributors and buyers a convenient and accurate source of comprehensive production and export data on canaryseed (Phalaris canariensis).

  CUSTOMER EDUCATION CANA offers consumers a reliable source of accurate information about canaryseed and its properties, history and uses.

  ADVOCACY CANA supports industry growth through initiatives to build awareness of canaryseed, its commercial uses, and the opportunities it represents.

Silica Fiber Free™
Certification Seals
CANA provides a certi-fication program for Silica Fiber Free™ canaryseed, helping distributors, whole-salers, retailers and con-sumers distinguish between the traditional varieties of canaryseed and the new glabrous or “hairless” varieties.

NETWORKING CANA connects people from across the industry, facilitating new business relationships and opportunities.